Mody School, Lakshmangarh held its first intra-school Online English Debate on Friday, 5th June, 2020. 52 participants from various categories displayed a wealth of confidence as they argued for and against the motion that they’d been given. Here are the topics again on which they spoke:
* COVID 19 is nothing but a biological weapon to start the III World War
1st position: K. Vineela (F)- 39.5/40
2nd position: Adrita Dutta (A) – 38/40
3rd position: Suhana Jain (A) – 36/40
2) IX-X
* The exodus of migrants could have been better managed
1st position: Saumya Hisariya (F)- 35.5/40
2nd position: Deshna Dugar (A) – 34/40 and Ridhima Dhanuka (F) – 34/40
3) VI – VIII
* No force of Nature can stop learning from taking place
1st position: Jahnvi Agarwal (A)- 40/40
2nd position: Tvisha Gupta (A) – 39/40
3rd position: Ridhima Sharma (A) – 37/40 and Samridhi Singh (F) – 37/40
4) III – V
* Technology has proved a boon in these times
1st position: Muskan Binwal (F)- 39/40 and Khushboo Dudi (A) – 39/40
2nd position: Vaishnavi Beria (F) – 34/40 and Tanu Dhaka (A) – 34/40
The judges had a difficult time in picking the winners. However, the results are now before you. We extend our heartiest congratulations to the victors and applaud all the participants for making it such a wonderful event!
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