Mody School, Lakshmangarh, celebrated its 35th Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony, on the third day of the Founder’s Day Celebration. On this triumphant day, the honourable Principal, Ms. Charu Sharma, presented the Annual Report, highlighting the records and achievements of Mody Girls for the session 2023-2024. The blessings of the institute’s visionary Founder and Chairman, Shri Rajendra Prasad Ji Mody, inspired all the award winners to keep striving for the best always. The esteemed President of Mody University Science and Technologies Dr Shashi Bala Singh, along with the team of respected Deans, graced the occasion.
Tanishka Jain (Commerce), Mudita Parihar (Science), and Varsha Ruhela (Humanities) were awarded Gold Medals for topping the CBSE Class XII Board Examination, Session 2022-23. The CBSE Topper Award for session 2022-23 for class X was given to Shrirupa Ghosh. Bhavya Jain was honoured with the Mody Blue Gold Medal, the highest award bestowed by the school. Sara Dhakal, Anshika Goyal and Harshita Saraf were adjudged the Player of the Year under 14, 17, and 19 Category respectively. Shavii Singh was bestowed with the title of Best Taekwondo Player. Leelawati House shone brightly in the Academics and Sarojini House bagged the Cultural Trophy of the year.
The prize – winners were all congratulated on their achievements.
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