Mody School, Lakshmangarh celebrated 76th Independence Day with patriotic fervour. Dr. Rajeev Mathur, Director, Mody University graced the occasion as the chief guest. Principal Mody School Mrs.Kajal Marwaha along with the chief guest, other dignitaries and deans of various divisions unfurled the national flag. The cultural program commenced with a perfectly synchronized parade by students of various divisions of the institute. The patriotic speech delivered by Ms. Khushi Kotwani and the patriotic poetry recitation by Ms. Neha and Ms. Palak from grade XI were the highlights of the function. Chief guest
Dr. Rajeev Mathur, addressed the gathering and congratulated the performers for excellent display of cultural program from various divisions of Mody institute.
The celebration culminated with felicitation of the chief guest and the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Nandini Surekha, Head girl, Mody School.
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