Mody School, Laxmangarh participated in the Platinum Jubliee All India Online English Debate hosted by Birla Public School, Pilani, from 7th of September to 11th September 2020. Aditi Soni and Naishadha Srivastava of XI humanities and Anshika Kumari of XI Science participated in the event along with the teacher representative, Ms.Priyanshi Singh Chauhan.
As an adapted Cambridge debate ,it followed all the same rules with the exception of abnigation. There were a total of 16 schools. Each one had to face 3 preliminary rounds to qualify.
Our team had the topics:1. Freedom is a myth (against the motion) against Hyderabad Public School 2: Euthanasia is absolutely justified (in favour of the motion) against Aubric, Brazil 3: Online learning is better than face to face learning (against the motion) against RMS, Ajmer. 4: Education and sound healthcare ensure a nation’s security more than the military does (in favour of the motion) against Birla International School, Pilani 5: Patriotism is ultimately destructive for international relations (against the motion) against Mayo College, Ajmer 6: Security and sovereignty must be defined in the context of global interdependence (against the motion) against Emerald Heights, Indore.
We fought our way to the Finals but couldn’t lift the trophy. However, the experience in itself was more than a prize for us.
Our school alumni, Ms. Khushi Anupriya Dudi and Ms. Mehak Garg, remained an inevitable part of the journey. From taking regular zoom calls to witness the competition, they motivated the girls every step of the way. The journey to the finals would have been impossible if they hadn’t been there. A special thanks to them.
Overall the experience was an invigorating one. We learnt a lot every day, from both our mistakes and the mistakes made by our opponents.
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