The grand ballet “Marudhari Thirkan” was performed by the talented students of Mody School, Lakshmangarh, during the annual festival. Rooted in the rich cultural and historical heritage of Rajasthan, this mesmerizing performance celebrated the state’s art, folk traditions, and the indomitable valor of its legendary figures.

Through the medium of folk music and dance, the ballet paid homage to the bravery of Maharana Pratap and Rana Sangram Singh, who valiantly resisted the Mughals, and highlighted the sacrifices of noble women like Rani Padmini, Panna Dhay, and Hadi Rani. By presenting these stories, the aim was to instill moral values and ignite societal awareness.

Over 200 students participated, delivering a spectacular and visually captivating performance. The event was graced by the esteemed Chief Guest, Mrs. Akshayraj Kumar Dhoot, alongside the institute’s Chairman, Shri Raghvendra Anant Mody, his distinguished family, the President of Mody University, Dr. Ashutosh Bhardwaj, Principal Smt. Charu Sharma, senior officials, and proud parents. The audience wholeheartedly applauded the ballet’s vibrant portrayal of Rajasthan’s cultural essence.

The program concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks by Deputy Head Girl Narayani Arora and Kumari Gauri Beriya of Class III, followed by the rendition of the national anthem, leaving an indelible mark on everyone present.