Mody Institute, Lakshmangarh organised its Annual Sports Day zealously. The event kicked off with the felicitation of the esteemed Chief Guest Shri Praveen Kumar, Inspector in Rajasthan police ,posted at police headquarters , Jaipur. President Mody University, madam Shashi Bala Singh ji, Principal Mody School, Madam Charu Sharma graced the occasion along with all the revered division heads of Mody Institute. The Chief Guest ignited the ceremonial sports torch and announced the sports meet open.
The event accelerated with a harmonious March past which comprised of the assiduous students of the four Houses of the school, Horse Riders, the Pipe band, and the Brass band. The bright morning sparkled with the displays like yoga, March past, Mass P.T., aerobics, and Drill, along with exemplary karate performances. Spontaneous 100-meter relay races were taken in a spirited form.
Accolades and appreciation boosted up players motivation during the prize distribution segment.Ms.Vedika Patak lifted the prize as best athletics, Best basket ball player award was bagged by Ms.T anvi Sharma, the award for best badminton and Karate player was given to Ms. Riya Sharma and Ms. Samridhi Joshi respectively. Ms. Reet Pamnani won the best volleyball player award and Ms.Sharanya Jain received the best Lawn tennis champion award.In the field of Yoga and chess the lead was taken by Ms. Ananya Agarwal and Ms. Jagrati Agarwal respectively.
The school March past Trophy was lifted by Gargi house.
The event culminated with an inspiring speech from the chief guest and the vote of thanks jointly proposed by Mody School’s Sports Captain, Ms. Akshara Singh and Ms. Kanika Maheshwari, sports president, Mody University.
With the melodious singing of the National Anthem, the festivities of the grand sports day came to a close.
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