On July 26, Mody School commemorated Kargil Vijay Diwas with a series of heartfelt events, honouring the bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers who fought in the Kargil War. The celebration began with a powerful speech by Principal Mody School, Madam Charu Sharma, who eloquently recounted the significance of the day and paid tribute to the valor of the Indian Armed Forces.
The program continued with a moving performance by the school orchestra, followed by a soulful rendition of a patriotic song by the school choir, which captivated the audience .
Adding to the solemnity of the occasion, The school’s NCC cadets presented a gripping enactment of key moments from the Kargil conflict. Their performance was a stirring reminder of the courage and determination displayed by our soldiers during the war.
The event concluded with a moment of silence to honor the martyrs, leaving everyone with a profound sense of respect and gratitude for our heroes. The celebration not only commemorated Kargil Vijay Diwas but also instilled a deep sense of patriotism and reverence in every student present.
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