Mody School Library staff attended a one day National Level Interactive training workshop on the topic “Turning School library into Resource Centre” at The Ocean Pearl retreat, New Delhi on 15th July, 2017.
This programme was designed for the school libraries to understand their space management, number and types of books, library procedures, facilities etc. to match them with the requirement of the recent information provided by the Educational boards.
It was conducted by the Alert Knowledge Services, Gurugram. The members of various school libraries along with the administration of the school including the Principals of some renowned schools attended the workshop.
Dr. Dinesh Kamra, Project Director of Alert Knowledge Services focused on challenging role of librarians in today’s digital era and also discussed about the various methods of promoting the reading habits of the children. He emphasized on the building of more digital resources in school libraries and provides CAS (Current Awareness Service) & SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information) services to users.
Kumar Sanjay, Document officer, NITI Ayog discussed on capacity building of school librarians, and also told about the various Marketing techniques for library services so that library resources can be used more efficiently.
The Reading awards and DEAR activity of our school were appreciated by everyone present there in a interactive session where every school Librarian was asked about the quality checklist of their respective library.
It was a good experience and some of the ideas were very good to implement.
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